Thursday, February 26, 2009

ITL #4 Announcement

Greetings! Keep an eye out in the next few days for audio & video posts from ITL #3 (yes, finally). Eventually this process will get faster, as I master the technology at my disposal. Special thanks to Brendan and Jack for technical assistance.

Now, onto the real excitement of this post: Imagined Therefore Limitless #4!
The date is finalized, although the topic is not. Mark your calendars for Sunday, March 22nd beginning at 4pm.

But, but, but, what are we reading?
Aaahhhhh, we'll decide together. If you have a topic that you'd like to nominate, comment. Next week, a poll will go up here. So come back, listen to some great oratory, and vote for the genre of ITL #4. Hasta luego!


  1. How about a ITL with nothing in English? ;)

  2. Nothing in English might be hard, as that might feel exclusive to people who don't have an excellent grasp of a language other than English. That said, I would love to do something with dual language reading. (In case you don't know, that is a pet project of mine.) It'll go on the poll! Thanks Gonzalo.
