Friday, October 2, 2009

ITL #6 - Ghost Stories

One of the inspirations behind ITL was my love of spookiness. Fortunately, Imagined Therefore Limitless knows someone with the perfect place for an evening of haunting tales and flickering firelight. Maybe we'll play "Light as a feather, stiff as a board" or "Bloody Mary" before the night is out...

Imagined Therefore Limitless Readers' Series
Ghost Stories
Friday, October 23, 2009

Please RSVP in the comments, on facebook, or at Location information will be provided only to those who RSVP. Festive snacks to share are most welcome -- ITL will provide hot cider and firewood.

Thanks are not enough for the ever-supportive host of ITL #6. Jason, I appreciate your generosity in ways I cannot adequately express.