Tuesday, June 23, 2015

ITL #26 - Poetry Picnic

Imagined Therefore Limitless Readers' Series
Poetry Picnic
Sunday, August 2nd

Imagined Therefore Limitless #25 - Formality, What We Heard

Simeon Berry - "Beautiful Things" by Matthew Rohrer
Dann Brown - excerpt from The Cult of Statistical Significance by Stephen Ziliak & Dierdre McCloskey
Petaluma Vale - "The Roman System" from Celebrate! A Look at Calendars & the Ways We Celebrate by Margo Westrheim
heather hughes - "Valentine" by Frank Bidart
Simeon Berry - "Inside Gertrude Stein" by Lynn Emmanuel
Jack Miller - excerpt from Modern Manners by PJ O'Rourke
Dann Brown - "How to Carve a Turkey" from Risting to the Occasion by Edith Hazard & Wallace Pinfold
Petaluma Vale "The Saxon Calendar" from Celebrate! A Look at Calendars & the Ways We Celebrate by Margo Westrheim
heather hughes - "Brown Reculse" from Black Box by Erin Belieu
Petaluma Vale - "April Fool" from Celebrate! A Look at Calendars & the Ways We Celebrate by Margo Westrheim
Simeon Berry - "In Praise of the Humble Comma" by Pico Iyer
heather hughes - "The Shrinking Lonesome Sestina" by Miller Williams
Dann Brown - "How to Tie a Bow Tie" from Risting to the Occasion by Edith Hazard & Wallace Pinfold

Friday, June 19, 2015

ITL #25 - Formality

Imagined Therefore Limitless Readers' Series
Sunday, March 22nd

Imagined Therefore Limitless #24 - Fortune, What We Heard

heather hughes - excerpt from Medea by Euripedes
Petaluma Vale - selections from The Name Book by Pierre Le Rouzic
Simeon Berry - "Noreen" from Stars by Peter Meinke
Susan Chamberlain - "The Astronomer" by Kazim Ali
Petaluma Vale - "The Three Sons of Fortune" from Grimm's Fairy Tales
heather hughes - excerpt from Cassandra by Christa Wolf
Susan Chamberlain - "Antarctic Flavor Naming Contest" from Hoosh
Simeon Berry - "Terminus" by Nicholas Christopher
Jack Miller - excerpt from The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy by Douglas Adams
Susan Chamberlain - You Have to Fucking Eat by Adam Mansbach
Jack Miller - selection of fortune cookie fortunes
Dann Brown - excerpt from The Prince by Machiavelli
Petaluma Vale - "The King of the Golden Mountain" from Grimm's Fairy Tales
Susan Chamberlain - excerpt from Packing for Mars by Mary Roach

ITL #24 - Fortune

Imagined Therefore Limitless Readers' Series
Sunday, December 7th

Imagined Therefore Limitless #23 - Poetry Picnic, What We Heard

heather hughes - "God Is An American" & "Fish head for Katrina" from Lighthead by Terrence Hayes
Simeon Berry - "Facts" by Phillip Levine
David Aquilina - "I Cannot Go to School Today" & "Orchestra" from Where the Sidewalk Ends by Shel Silverstein
heather hughes - "Anchorage" from She Had Some Horses by Joy Harjo
Petaluma Vale - "Two Sermons" & "Show Me" from Stubborn by Jean Gallagher
Simeon Berry - "Now Winter Nights" by Robert Hass
Dann Brown - excerpt from "Acharnians" by Aristophanes
Jack Miller - "Mostly Nothing Happens" by William Ehrhart
heather hughes - "Qu'on Arrive Enfin" from Histories by Brenda Marie Osbey
David Aquilina - "Smart" & "Hector the Collector" from Where the Sidewalk Ends by Shel Silverstein
Simeon Berry - "Circe in Love" & "Circe Revisited" by Nicholas Christopher
Petaluma Vale - "Circe" from Dynamite on a China Plate by Jay Leeming
heather hughes - "Reflection on a Foreign Line of Verse" by Georg Seferis
Dann Brown - Book 1, Satire 4 excerpt from Satires by Horace
Petaluma Vale - "The Barber" from Dynamite on a China Plate by Jay Leeming
heather hughes - "Crab-Angel" from The Lost Lunar Baedeker by Mina Loy
Petaluma Vale - "Jazz for the Widow of Ice Cream" from Dynamite on a China Plate by Jay Leeming
Simeon Berry - Two Asbo Limmericks
Jack Miller - "Striptease" by MIriam Johnson

ITL #23 - Poetry Picnic

Imagined Therefore Limitless Readers' Series
Poetry Picnic
Saturday, September 20th