Wednesday, December 8, 2010

Imagined Therefore Limitless #10 - Home, What We Heard

No one ever had a better home-warming than ITL. The range of ideas about home - from outer space to a fish's mouth, from poetry to fiction to drama to sports writing - just, wow. It feels like Imagined Therefore Limitless has found its place, which is a true gift. Thank you to the readers and listeners who crowded together on a cold night to share these.

Gonzalo Plaza - "We're Going to Spain!" by Story Musgrave from Space Shuttle: The First 20 Years and excerpt by Michael Collins from Apollo: Through the Eyes of the Astronauts by Robert Jacobs

heather hughes - "If you're a Super Bowl tourist, do NOT go outside" (Feb. 3, 2010), "I take it all back: I love you, Miami" (Feb. 5, 2010), and "Living under the influence of the Underground Weirdness Magnet" (Feb. 23, 2007) from The Miami Herald by Dave Barry

Jack Miller - "Shrunken Heads" by Nina Alonso Hathaway and "Dogs Don't Understand Basic Concepts Like Moving" from by Allie

Maithili Jha - "The Gentle Traveller" by Henry van Dyke, "Sky" by Anzhelina Polonskaya, "The Little Vagabond" by William Blake, and "Summer Song" by William Carlos Williams

Katherine Rose - excerpt from Extremely Loud & Incredibly Close by Jonathan Safran Foer

Dann Brown - excerpts from When Living Hurts by Sol Gordon

Robyn Gesek - "Cymothea Exigua" from

Roxanne Halpine Ward - excerpt from Gilgamesh translated by David Ferry and "Each Night Before Going to Bed" from No Other Life by Gary Young

Susanna Lamey - excerpt from Watership Down by Richard Adams

Simeon Berry - excerpts from Post-Moxie by Julia Story

Fritz Ward - "The Forgotten Dialects of the Heart" by Jack Gilbert

heather hughes - "The Surreal Life at Fenway" (Oct. 19, 2004) from by Bill Simmons

Sarah Ernst-Edwards - excerpt from Pilgrim at Tinker Creek by Annie Dillard

Nora Long - "The Red Dancer" by Anne Sexton and excerpt from The Metamorphosis by Mary Zimmerman

Molly Zenobia - excerpts from Written on the Body by Jeannette Winterson and from A Christmas Memory by Truman Capote

Wednesday, November 10, 2010

ITL #10 - Home

Share the comforts of a winter's night with Imagined Therefore Limitless. The notion of home is intimately tied to place and identity, people and perceptions. Bring a reading that conjures up your idea of home to:

Imagined Therefore Limitless Readers' Series
Sunday, December 5, 2010

RSVP here or on facebook for location details. Some snacks will be provided, but feel free to bring along your own home cooking.

Sunday, August 15, 2010

Imagined Therefor Limitless #9 - Poetry Picnic, What We Heard

Dann Brown - "Sheep Passing," "The Wren," "The Stranger (After a Guarani legend recorded by Ernesto Morales)" by W.S. Merwin from The River Sound
Jack Miller - "Cicada Shell" by Kevin Prufer and "Apple" by Denise Duhamel
Anya Miller - "Felt Hat" by Jon Agee
Gonzalo Plaza - "An Irish Airman Foresees His Death" by W.B. Yeats and "The Lamia" by Genesis
Aaron Devine - "Tintern Abbey" by William Wordsworth and "Accounting for the Wren," "Lightweight Champ of the World," "For Ebele," and "Steel Valley Songbook, Volume 1" by Daniel Johnson
heather hughes - "Valentine" by Frank Bidart from Watching the Spring Festival
Susanna Lamey - "In the Village" by Derek Walcott and "In Country Sleep" by Dylan Thomas
Justin Hardy - "Versailles," "Storm Warnings," and "The Tree" by Adrienne Rich
Christine Cooper - "Be Drunk" by Charles Baudelaire
Maithili Jha - "Ode to Future Time" by Pablo Neruda, "The Soul of Wine" by charles Baudelaire, "Sleep" and "Wind" by Anuradha Mahapatra, and "Put Something In," "Strange Wind," and "Hippoes Hope" by Shel Silverstein
Erin Ailworth - "Hippos on Holiday" by Billy Collins, "Archipelago of Kisses" by Jeffrey McDaniel, and "Jeremiad for Spring" by David Camphouse
Robyn Gesek - "Impeccable Conception" by Maya Angelou

Saturday, July 10, 2010

Imagined Therefore Limitless #8 - Eat, Drink, & Be Merry, What We Heard

Much merriment was had in the cozy confines of the Dot. Here's a little taste:

Dann Brown - chapter on "Accidents," sub-heading "Food Poisoning" from Cause of Death: a Writer's guide to Death, Murder and Forensic Medicine by Keith D. Wilson, M.D. and "How to Boil and Egg (with hints on further uses for boiled water)" from Rising to the Occasion by Edith Hazard & Wallace Pinfold
Maithili Jha - "Johnny Appleseed was an American Dionysus" excerpt from The Botany of Desire: A Plant's-Eye View of the World by Michael Pollan; Bottom quote from A Midsummer Night's Dream; and excerpt from "Your Radio" by 50 cent
Gonzalo Plaza - excerpt from Leonardo's Kitchen Notebooks: Leonardo Da Vinci's Notes on Cookery and Table Etiquette by Leonardo da Vinci, Shelagh Routh, Jonathan Routh and excerpt from The Real Frank Zappa Book by Frank Zappa and Peter Occhiogrosso
heather hughes - retelling of the Cherokee story of the origin of corn by Marylou Awiakta from Selu and excerpt on cannibalism in the House of Atreus from "Agamemnon" by Aeschylus
Dara Grabowska - "The Sixth Sense" by Gary Shteyngart from Eat, Memory, Great writers at the Table, A Collection of Essays from The NY Times edited by Amanda Hesser
Gina Heeren -

Tuesday, March 2, 2010

Imagined Therefore Limitless #7 - Inspiration, What We Heard

Is there anything better than wine, cake, challah, and reading? No way.
We were inspired by amazing readings from:

Nora Long - excerpt from Ella Minnow Pea by Mark Dunn
Gonzalo Plaza - Gustave Flaubert quote, read from The Real Frank Zappa Book by Frank Zappa and Peter Ochiogrosso
Maithili Jha - "The Image of Your Body" by Rumi
heather hughes - "nothing false and possible..." by E.E. Cummings
Dara Grabowska - "Invictus" by William Ernest Henley
Azu Rocha - excerpt from Hopscotch by Julio Cortazar
heather hughes - tenth anniversary introduction by Dave Eggers to Infinite Jest by David Foster Wallace
Dann Brown - excerpts on Black Flag and Beat Happening from Our Band Could Be Your Life: Scenes from the American Indie Underground 1981-1991 by Michael Azerrad
Gonzalo Plaza - foreward by Paul McCartney to Les Paul - In His Own Words by Les Paul and Michael Cochran

Assorted recordings to come - promise!

thank you to Jason for providing recording equipment, and for bringing an awesome and inspiring birthday card (kids are pretty inspiring).

Friday, January 8, 2010

ITL #7 - Inspiration

Imagined Therefore Limitless wants to shake off the winter blues with you. The first reading night of 2010 is on a theme near and dear to my heart: inspiration. We've all encountered some piece of writing that moved us to be a better person, to create something, to follow our guts, or to make change. I can think of no better way to get through the dark days of waiting for spring than to be reminded of how motivation and creativity can come together. Share your stories.

Imagined Therefore Limitless Readers' Series
Sunday, February 21,2009

Please RSVP in the comments, on facebook, or at imaginedlimitless at Location information will be provided. As always, snacking contributions are welcome but not obligatory.